My Story

Hi! I’m Micah, a 14 year old from California, and I am the creator of Jewopoly! This whole story all starts in 7th grade, when I was in Mr. Sproull’s social studies class.

We were doing a research project where we had to present a slideshow, and a game along with it. I researched the history of Ancient Hebrews and when it came time for the game, I was reminded of Stanfordopoly, a Stanford re-skin of Monopoly. This idea led to the start of Jewopoly - created simply with a piece of cardstock and markers.

As friends and relatives saw the game, they encouraged me to make it into a real game and sell it. I kind of passed it off as just a nice thing to say, until I met Rich Weissman, a Jewish businessman at our local synagogue. He saw the game and loved it so much that he emailed me a whole business plan on how to bring it to market! So, with newfound excitement and passion, I remade all my assets in Canva and found a game manufacturer who could produce it. Unfortunately, the price per game was way too expensive. I would need to buy many copies in bulk to get a lower price. This was going to cost over $5,000, so I started a Kickstarter with the goal of sending all profits from the game to the AJC, a charity for fighting antisemitism. After a lot of marketing, emailing, and talking, I raised $5,175! I am so overjoyed that I was able to do this and I am so excited for the future of it.